
Children from God’s Little Creations in Palatka on April 22, 2021 creating fans before they learn the “fan dance”.
Children from God’s Little Creations in Palatka, Fla. is one of many child care centers that offer services for children in North Florida. The Early Learning Coalition can offer assistance in finding and paying for child care. Please visit to apply.
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Parents Looking for Childcare Find Help with the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., August 10, 2021 – At the beginning of another school year, Florida is being impacted again by the new variant of the Covid pandemic, leaving some parents of young children facing similar child care situations as in 2020. With workplaces adjusting to new protocols, some parents of young children are caught in a cycle of not being able to work because childcare is not available or is too expensive. There is help available for families.
The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida (ELC) helps parents find and afford childcare to help them return to work. Families who are in need of childcare are encouraged to contact the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida for both financial help and assistance in locating childcare. The ELC partners with Episcopal Children’s Services (ECS) to coordinate childcare services. For more information, contact ECS at 904-726-1500, toll free 1-800-238-3463 or visit
The average cost for childcare in Florida is $8,400 a year. For parents hovering around the poverty level, this means that childcare is one of the factors preventing families from rising above the poverty level. Additionally, finding childcare can be very difficult. Episcopal Children’s Services Chief of Programs Teresa Matheny explained how the ELC funding program works.
“The ELC offers financial assistance to families making up to 150 percent of the federal poverty level,” said Matheny. “Once enrolled, the family can continue to receive services until they earn up to 85 percent of the Florida Median Income. In practical numbers, this means a family of three earning up to $32,580 a year is eligible for funding and can remain in the program until their income exceeds $53,601.”
In addition to helping parents pay for childcare, ECS will help parents locate child care in their area. Currently, ECS is able to get most waitlisted children into childcare within two weeks.
ELC provides child care assistance to families who meet certain income requirements and who are working or going back to school. This school readiness program is designed to increase a child’s chance of achieving future educational success. ELC also administers and manages Florida’s FREE VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten program for four-year-olds). For more information about the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida and its other programs and services, please visit, or call 904-342-2267.
Sponsored by the State of Florida, Division of Early Learning.