VPK for Providers

You play a valuable role
Your Work Increases a Child’s Chances For Success

Educator & Provider VPK Resources
As an early childhood teacher, you play a valuable role in educating young children. In fact, the work you do each day increases a child’s chances of succeeding in school and in life. They are more likely to graduate from high school, finish college and earn more as adults. That is why we need your participation in Florida’s voluntary prekindergarten (VPK) program.
The VPK program began during the 2005-2006 school year. Public, private and faith-based providers may be eligible to deliver the program depending on whether they meet the minimum standards required in law.
VPK Provider Readiness Rates
Each year, the Florida Department of Education computes a VPK readiness rate of the children entering kindergarten.
The Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate website at VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate Website provides information about Florida’s VPK Education Program to parents, VPK providers, and other interested parties. The website enables you to review all VPK Providers’ Kindergarten Readiness Rates.
The “Readiness Rate” measures how well a VPK provider prepares four-year-olds to be ready for kindergarten based upon the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards.
VPK providers can verify the data used to identify the children to be included in their readiness rates on the Department of Education website: Dept. of Education Website