Positive Behavior and Self-Awareness

Children are developing and discovering a lot about themselves at an early age. When they develop positive self-awareness, they will try new things and work toward achieving goals. This exploration builds confidence in their ability to reason and problem solve. When you show empathy and kindness to others in front of your child, it helps them understand how they should treat others. Helping someone when they need assistance and using kind words display a positive behavior your child can follow.

Children also need to learn how to express their thoughts and feelings in words so others will be able to help them. Read books that show kindness, empathy and gratitude. Talk about the appropriate and inappropriate ways to act in situations. Praise them when you notice positive behavior: “It was so responsible of you to pick up your toys and put them away,” or “I love the way you offered your favorite toy to your friend.”

Suggest they look at their behavior and how it might affect others: “I saw you take that toy from your friend. How do you think that made him feel?” It is normal for children to think primarily about themselves. Be supportive and patient as it will take time to develop these social skills. Recognizing and learning to control strong emotions is the basis for having successful relationships in a family, at school and in the community.

Developing empathy at an early age allows kids to communicate better, build social skills and become kinder individuals.