Learning Math = Fun!

Have you ever stacked blocks with your toddler and counted them together? Or sang, “One, two, buckle my shoe?” Simple activities like these do more than just entertain, they help your child develop important math skills. In fact, math skills start forming in infancy, often through activities you are already doing.

Want to make learning even more fun? Try these easy, everyday activities that foster learning and engagement while entertaining your young child:

  • Explore different shapes during your next grocery store trip.
  • Search for patterns in your environment (think flower colors or rows of cans at the store).
  • Play a game of mimicking clapping patterns.
  • Sort laundry by color or match socks together.

The following are some great books to read with your budding math scholar:

  • “Mouse Count” by Ellen Stoll Walsh
  • “Zac the Robot: A Book About Shapes” by Stephanie Lanier

Incorporating learning into everyday moments will make a big difference in your child’s development of math skills. For more ideas, read the components included in the Mathematical Thinking domain at Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards.