Kindness Counts Every Day

As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important role model for kindness and empathy. Just as teaching your child to count and recognize patterns expands their math skills, demonstrating patience and helpfulness during your daily routines will show them that kindness counts.

The following are some simple ways to show your child the importance of kindness every day:

  • Showing them ways to help others with household tasks.
  • Modeling random acts of kindness.
  • Using appropriate phrases when speaking to friends and adults with words such as “yes please” and “thank you.”
  • Encouraging them to share and be kind to their classmates.

Reading books such as “I Am Me” written by Tristan Towns and Lacey Howard from Florida Department of Education Commissioner’s Book of the Month is another good way to teach your child the power of positivity, caring and gratitude. Through your guidance, your child can experience positive social interactions with peers and express themselves appropriately when responding to others.

Random Acts of Kindness Day occurs each February. You can search for ideas online to further illustrate the concept with your child.