A great teaching moment is finding things to do that are fun and educational. The following activities apply the Scientific Inquiry standard found on the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards web page.
- Do water and oil mix? (2 – 4 years) – Materials: 16-ounce empty water bottle, cooking oil, water, measuring spoons, measuring cups and food coloring. Measure 1 cup of water and pour into the 16-ounce empty water bottle. Then measure 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, add one or two drops of food coloring of your child’s choice and pour into the water bottle. Help your child securely place the top on the water bottle. Shake and observe.
- Static electricity (8 months – 4 years) – Blow up a balloon. Stand in front of a mirror. Rub it back and forth on your hair. Raise the balloon from your head. Show your child the static connection from your hair to the balloon. Let your child rub the balloon on your head to see the reaction.
- Solid or Liquid? (18 months – 4 years) – Mix 2 cups of cornstarch with 1 cup of water. As the mixture sits, put the child’s fingers lightly on top so they can feel their fingers sink as the substance turns more liquid.
- Sink or Float? (8 months – 4 years) – Fill a bathtub, bin or sink with water and place a variety of objects in the water to test whether they will sink or float. Crayons, paper clips and bath toys are some items you may use.