Early Childhood Education Remains Top Priority for American Voters

Early Childhood Education Remains Top Priority for American Voters


ST.AUGUSTINE, Fla., August 15, 2013 – Early childhood education still remains a top priority in the eyes of America, second only to increasing jobs and building a stronger economy.

A survey was conducted in July 2013 by Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research, a bipartisan research team that reached out to more than 800 American voters. The sample was distributed proportionately throughout the United States to willing participants through cellular and landline telephone users.

The survey results revealed strong support for increasing early childhood education. Eighty-six percent of American voters believe children should receive quality education starting from a young age. Voters also believe more can be done to achieve this goal. Roughly 70 percent of voters also feel children should have better tools to ensure academic success by the time they reach kindergarten.

“On a local level, early learning services should be viewed as an investment for Florida’s future prosperity,” said Dawn Bell, Chief Executive Officer of the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida. “The answer is investing in the healthy minds of children now while it’s less costly, rather than investing more money down the road trying to fix detrimental mistakes.”

For a full report on the poll fact sheet, visit http://growamericastronger.org/. To learn more about early learning, visit http://www.elcnorthflorida.org/.
