Dig Dig Digging Activities for Celebrate Literacy Week

“The Florida Department of Education’s (FDOE) Division of Early Learning (DEL) is once again collaborating with FDOE’s Just Read, Florida! office for the seventeenth annual statewide Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! 2025 events. Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! 2025 is scheduled for January 27-31, 2025, so mark your calendars now for this important week of events. This year, our Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! theme is Building Literacy: Constructing the Foundation for Success!”

This year’s book pick for ages 3-5 is Dig Dig Digging by Margaret Mayo

“Diggers are good at dig, dig, digging,
scooping up the earth and lifting and tipping.
They make huge holes with their dig, dig, digging.
They can work all day.”

Trucks and tractors, fire engines and helicopters-they all like to work hard. But after a long, happy day of beep-beeping and vroom-vrooming, even the busiest engines need to rest. This bright, bouncy, noise-filled book brings together all the vehicles that children adore.”

Get activity ideas here.