by Amy Lyn | May 24, 2011 | Early Literacy
It’s that time of year where the weather starts getting warmer and flowers begin to bloom. Here are a few books that will teach your little one about the changes in nature that occur in spring! The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle In Eric Carle’s modern classic,...
by Amy Lyn | Apr 29, 2011 | Early Literacy
We Give Books Tour Comes to Town Parents and grandparents, are you looking for more books to read to your little ones? Would you like to be able give books to children who have none in the process? Than visit, register and get to reading. For each...
by Amy Lyn | Apr 24, 2011 | Early Literacy, Families & Parenting
Sharing Books with Young Children It is never too early to begin instilling the love of reading in children. Even when children are too young to understand the words, it’s important to find ways to share books with babies and toddlers. Babies enjoy hearing songs...
by Amy Lyn | Jan 18, 2011 | Early Learning, Early Literacy, Families & Parenting
Hello Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library family and friends! Our winter newsletter is out and ready to be viewed by YOU. In this issue, you can find information on our upcoming Toddler Fests and other exciting winter events. Also, you can learn about what to...
by Amy Lyn | Jan 5, 2011 | Early Learning, Early Literacy, Events, Families & Parenting
There may not be words printed beneath each photograph, but chances are, you know a story you can pass along to your child: the trip to Chicago in that old Plymouth Dart, the Christmas you had an emergency appendectomy, fishing in Nana’s lake. Research has shown that...
by Amy Lyn | Jan 5, 2011 | Early Learning, Early Literacy, Events, Families & Parenting
The Curious Garden is a story about a boy’s dream and how one small person can help change the world. The ground may still be frozen up north, but here in Florida it will be planting time soon. If you’d like to try an easy spring craft, read Peter Brown’s...