Celebrate Literacy Week is an annual event to raise awareness about the importance of reading and to inspire Florida’s students and families to make reading part of their daily routines.
To celebrate it this year, the Division of Early Education has created several activities around the book The Little Butterfly That Could.
During whole group, read a book about the life cycle of a butterfly. Point out the vocabulary words (e.g., egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly) related to the butterfly life cycle and share a child-friendly definition for each word.
During small groups, provide a variety of materials children may use to create the life cycle of a butterfly. Materials may include but are not limited to pictures or 3-D representations of the butterfly life cycle, a butterfly life cycle template, paper plates, tissue paper, pipe cleaner, paint, construction paper, writing tools, scissors, glue, etc.
As the children create their butterfly life cycle, ask open-ended questions. For example:
• “What happens first during the life cycle of a butterfly?”
• “How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?”
• “Do you think a caterpillar or a butterfly will be a good pet to have at home? Why or why not?”