About Us
About Us

Greetings from Our Chief Executive Officer
Dawn Bell
CEO, Early Learning Coalition of North Florida
ELC recognizes parents are children’s primary first teachers, but also acknowledges that by participating in quality school readiness/VPK programs children will be better prepared for school. If you are a parent, caregiver or educator of a child ages birth to pre-kindergarten in our counties, we can assist you.
Our mission is to manage and evaluate early childcare and education programs through a quality school readiness delivery system. As Chief Executive Officer, I have the privilege of working under an inspired local board and working with an incredibly committed staff. I am committed to continue working to assure the ELC is represented in all community venues to include working with the local Commissioners to build awareness of the impact our work has on the local economy in terms of assuring the workforce needed has access to quality early learning for their children.
Together, we will continue to identify and meet the needs of children and families to lay the foundation for lifetime success by maximizing each child’s potential, preparing children to enter school ready to learn while helping families achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Dawn Bell
CEO, Early Learning Coalition of North Florida
Mission: To serve parents, caregivers and educators of children ages birth to pre-kindergarten by managing and evaluating early child care and early education programs through a quality school readiness delivery system in Baker, Bradford, Clay, Nassau, Putnam & St. Johns Counties.
Vision: Coordinate services that allow children to enter kindergarten healthy and ready to learn.
Thank You to our Community Partners
Community Partners & Support for the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida is in part, thanks to the following:
St. Johns County Public Library
Putnam County Public Library
Kaplan Early Learning, Inc.
Episcopal Children’s Services
St. Augustine Sunrise Rotary Club
St. Augustine Kiwanis Club
RSVP of St. Johns County
United Way of Northeast Florida – Success by Six
First Book
Clay County Libraries
Nassau County Libraries
Elder Options
Ferst Foundation
Reinhold Foundation
Clay Electric Foundation
Palatka Kiwanis Club
Palatka Woman’s Club
Hunger Fight
United Way of St. Johns County